Brand: TH Seeds
T.H. Seeds™ was founded in 1993 by Adam and Doug in Amsterdam and is one of the oldest and most renowned cannabis seed companies in the world. Over the course of its 25 years of existence, T.H. Seeds™ has earned a reputation for producing the highest quality, award winning cannabis seeds.
More than just cannabis seeds - T.H. Seeds
In 1993 they opened the doors of C.I.A. Cannabis in Amsterdam, a cannabis information centre, a world famous seed shop and soon after the first cannabis shop in Europe, which according to Robert C. Clarke (author: Marijuana Botany, HASHISH) is "the epicentre of the cannabis universe". Also birthplace of the hemp clothing brand HoodLamb. This is where thousands of people from all over the world were first introduced to the cannabis plant and its many benefits for mankind.
In short T.H. Seeds™ is not "just" a cannabis seed bank, but lives the plant in every pore!
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